
Incuintri al doman

Fieste de Patrie dal Friûl 2023

Incuintri al doman

Fieste del Patrie dal Friûl 2022

Timp e tiere

Cent agns des miôr cjançons furlanis

Maraveis in sfrese – Mittelfest 2019

Tribute to the music and art of Friuli, from the 16th century to the present day

Incuintri al doman

Anthem of Friuli new music video

Incuintri al doman

Official Anthem of Friuli

Incuintri al doman

Official Anthem of Friuli - sneak peek

Stanus Daûr

Components ARLeF


Agjenzie Regjonâl pe Lenghe Furlane

vie della Prefettura, 13

33100 Udin

tel. +39 0432 555812

codiç fiscâl: 94094780304