Cjaminade tal bosc malât
4. Chê dai doi orsuts…contade a Anute
Twelve episodes on the adventures of two small bears roaming the woods and countryside of the Czech Republic.
Director: Vàclav Chaloupek/Pavel Linhart (Friulian version)
Česká televize/RAI/Part production
Betacam 9’/12 episodes
Year: 2004/2005 (Friulian version)
Screenplay: Vàclav Chaloupek
Drammatization: Miloš Zvĕřina
Voice and translation: Giorgio Cadorini/Josef Dvořák (original version)
Editing: Vilém Šrail
Music: Jaroslav Samson Lank
Sound technicians: Kamil Příhoda, Jiří Lenk
Shooting: Jiří Balek, Frantisĕk Čech
Production manager: Arnošt Doležel