
Prevention and awareness campaign against fraud

Video 2: Doorbell

Questura di Udine – Polizia di Stato (Udine Police Headquarters – State Police) and ARLeF, united for the safety of citizens, present the new prevention and awareness campaign against elder fraud. Through four different video spots, the information campaign addresses the most common situations of danger: at the ATM, at home, on the phone, via email.
To make the message of the four videos that compose it even more effective and direct, Questura di Udine made use of the important support of ARLeF, with which it signed a memorandum of understanding, creating the campaign in the Friulian language.

It sees the collaboration of Caterina Tomasulo, or Catine, and Fabiano Fantini, Claudio Moretti, Elvio Scruzzi of Teatro Incerto, who bring to the stage the most common ways put in place by criminals to deceive the weakest people, and who, with subtle humor that distinguishes them, provide useful advice to deal with different situations. Furthermore, in each video, Commissioner Mara Lessio, of the Anticrime Division of Questura di Udine, invites citizens to immediately contact the Polizia di Stato, even in the case of a simple suspicion, by calling Nue (Unique Number for Emergencies) 112.

Information campaign promoted by the Questura di Udine – Polizia di Stato and ARLeF – Regional Agency for the Friulian Language


Project partner: CSS of Udine
Thanks to: Commissioner Mara Lessio – Anticrime Division Questura di Udine; Incerto Theater (Fabiano Fantini, Claudio Moretti, Elvio Scruzzi); Caterina Tomasulo; Credifriuli

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Stanus Daûr

Components ARLeF


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